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Intake Session

80 minute preliminary consultation focusing on obtaining a history, reviewing policies and creating a full picture of what you’d like to address.  In advance of an intake session, you will be given a link to a secure client portal and asked to complete a few documents. This information will help us make the most of our first session.



55 minute sessions focusing on your specific concerns and goals


80 minute sessions for those who would like more time to work through concerns


Couples Session

70-80 minute appointment focusing on the couple dynamic and developing strategies for a more joyful relationship.


Family Session

70-80 minute appointments that support your specific goals and aim to increase understanding and connection within the family unit.



60 minute meetings of 6-12 people focusing on a particular topic such as anxiety, mindfulness or self-care.  These sessions will vary in length from 6-10 weeks and will repeat throughout the year. Group work is a powerful and affordable way to support your personal therapy goals.



Priced per workshop

Workshops vary in topic, length of time and number of participants, but they are typically intensive and a great way to drill down on an area of interest.